CPA Foundation Annual Appeal campaign
Goal: Digital advertising for the Annual Appeal donation request for the Pennsylvania CPA Foundation, an organization who's mission is to aid students as they pursue a career in accounting.
Audience: Targeted established accounting firms and veteran donors. They are very familiar with the CPA Foundation and brand, and have most likely made contributions in the past.
Process: Collaborative process with foundation specialists on content and art direction. I researched the student body the CPA Foundation represents as well as the targeted audience to create the design.
Audience: Targeted established accounting firms and veteran donors. They are very familiar with the CPA Foundation and brand, and have most likely made contributions in the past.
Process: Collaborative process with foundation specialists on content and art direction. I researched the student body the CPA Foundation represents as well as the targeted audience to create the design.

The Pennsylvania CPA Journal is a quarterly magazine that copies various topics of interest for professional accountants. I have designed various covers and features for each issue, creatively looking to represent what the article and feature is about, and how it relates to the audience. Here are a few examples of covers I've worked on.

Postcard for Annual Meeting campaign. Won GD USA In-House Design Award in 2018.

Brochure for introducing a newly formed accounting foundation for aspiring student accountants.

Menu-style postcard for accounting education courses.

Local government event flyer for annual meeting in Harrisburg.